Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Day 2: Blackened Mackerel and Teriyaki Salmon

Fish doesn't take long too cook so we began to prepare the other elements of the meal.

First Salsa. This had Cherry tomatoes, spring onions, sweet red pepper cut into small chunks into a bowl with coriander, chilli and lime juice.
Tomato can be swapped out with papaya/melon/orange/mango/anything sweet.
Put salsa in freezer for an hour or put crushed ice in it. Refreshing!

We had sticky Japanese rice to go with the fish too.
Bill's words of wisdom here, are to bring the pan to the boil and don't touch it, just turn it down gently to a lower setting to simmer with a lid on.

We had a frying pan for each fish dish and an extra small saucepan for reheating the marinade to go back on the salmon once cooked.

The fish mongers had prepared the mackerel for us, a beautiful dark oily fish. We used Mexican spice and butter to fry the fish with it's skin on, butter causes the fish to blacken. This also makes the skin lovely and crispy.

We marinaded our salmon all day (see Teriyaki preparation blogpost) Marinade overnight if possible, the longer the better.

We fried both fish in no time, this is a matter of watching, smelling, seeing, listening but it didn't take longer than 10mins.

We set them out with our rice and salsa, chopsticks and bowls. It was absolutely divine and I gobbled down the lot!

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